Siena: 53100 Taverne D'Arbia Via G.del tondo 1 P.Iva 01593360520
+39 351 575 9199 WhatsApp


GT/7 pack seal created with 7 elements composed together to carry out double effect in the hydraulic cylinders. The seal called GT/7 has been studied and created to have the possibility of adjusting with thicknesses or even with a gera screwed in the head, adjusting if a fluid die is present. Standard GT/7 seal created in cloth rubber and NBR. Lt is possible to create with special material cloth rubber / FKM, VITON where the high temperatures +200 and other chemical details are present. Hydraulic cylinders with GT/7 seal are mounted on earth moving machines such as: KOMATSU, CAT CATERPILLAR, HITACHI, VOLVO, IVECO, CASE, JCB, VENERI, NEW HOLLAND, FAI, KUBOTA ... and many others. GT/7. It is possible to change with other similar seal like. CH - TO7 - GT7 - M2 - M3 - M5 - ES - E1 - E2 - E3 - EK - ES -PV - PVM - MV - MVPS - MVS - K01 - K03 - K04 - VS - RS-20 -S01 - SDS01. |Description: |Material: Nbr / Rubbercloth / Pom |Pressure: = 400/600 bar |Speed: = 0,5 m/s |Temperature: - 35°C + 120°C with Nbr / Rubbercloth / Pom |Temperature: - 35°C + 200°C with FKM /VITON+ Rubbercloth

Category: Rod Seals, Subcategory

Product Description

GT/7 pack seal created with 7 elements composed together to carry out double effect in the hydraulic cylinders. The seal called GT/7 has been studied and created to have the possibility of adjusting with thicknesses or even with a gera screwed in the head, adjusting if a fluid die is present. Standard GT/7 seal created in cloth rubber and NBR. Lt is possible to create with special material cloth rubber / FKM, VITON where the high temperatures +200 and other chemical details are present. Hydraulic cylinders with GT/7 seal are mounted on earth moving machines such as: KOMATSU, CAT CATERPILLAR, HITACHI, VOLVO, IVECO, CASE, JCB, VENERI, NEW HOLLAND, FAI, KUBOTA ... and many others. GT/7. It is possible to change with other similar seal like. CH - TO7 - GT7 - M2 - M3 - M5 - ES - E1 - E2 - E3 - EK - ES -PV - PVM - MV - MVPS - MVS - K01 - K03 - K04 - VS - RS-20 -S01 - SDS01. |Description: |Material: Nbr / Rubbercloth / Pom |Pressure: = 400/600 bar |Speed: = 0,5 m/s |Temperature: - 35°C + 120°C with Nbr / Rubbercloth / Pom |Temperature: - 35°C + 200°C with FKM /VITON+ Rubbercloth

Additional information

Name Size Materials Speed Stock
TO7 070031 D,018x008x18,5/19,5 8-18-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 070031 D,018x008x18,50 8-18-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-008 D,008x018x18,5 8-18-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 078039 D,020x010x18,5/19,5 10-20-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-010 D,010x020x18,5 10-20-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 086047 D,022x012x18,5/19,5 12-22-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-012 D,012x022x18,5 12-22-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-012 D,012,7x025,4x19,05 12.7-25.4-19.05 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-013 D,013,5x025x16,5 13.5-25-16.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 094055 D,024x014x18,50 14-24-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 098059 D,025x014x18,50 14-25-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-014 D,014x024x18,5 14-24-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-015 D,015x025x18,5 15-25-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 098059 D,025x015x18,5/19,5 15-25-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-015/1 D,015x032x25 15-32-25 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 102062 D,026x016x18,50 16-26-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-016 D,016x026x18,5 16-26-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 110070 D,028x018x18,50 18-28-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
E1-18 EW 24093047 D,018x028x18,50 18-28-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-018 D,018x028x18,5 18-28-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 110070 D,028x018x18,5/19,5 18-28-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-018/1 D,018x032x23,5 18-32-23.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-019 D,019,05x028,5x17,46 19.05-28.5-17.46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 118078 D,030x020x18,50 20-30-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 118078 D,030x020x18,5/19,5 20-30-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-020 D,020x030x18,5 20-30-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 118078 D,030x020x18,50 20-30-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 125078 D,032x020x22,50 20-32-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 125078 D,032x020x22,5/23,5 20-32-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 125078 D,032x020x22,50 20-32-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-020/1 D,020x032x22,5 20-32-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT9 129078 D,033x020x24,50 20-33-24.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-020 D,020,62x033,32x33,32 20.62-33.32-33.32 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 125086 D,032x022x18,50 22-32-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 125086 D,032x022x18,5/19,5 22-32-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-022 D,022x032x18,5 22-32-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH1-022 FPM-C D,022x032x18,50 22-32-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 125086 D,032x022x18,50 22-32-18.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 133086 D,034x022x22,5/23,5 22-34-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 133086 D,034x022x22,50 22-34-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-022/1 D,022x034x22,5 22-34-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-022 D,022,22x034,92x19,05 22.22-34.92-19.05 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 145098 D,037x025x22,50 25-37-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 145098 D,037x025x22,5/23,5 25-37-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 157098 D,040x025x22,50 25-40-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 157098 D,040x025x22,5/23,5 25-40-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-025 D,025x037x22,5 25-37-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-025/1 D,025x040x22,5 25-40-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 145098 D,037x025x22,50 25-37-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 157098 D,040x025x22,50 25-40-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT8 157098 D,040x025x25,20 25-40-25.2 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 157110 D,040x028x22,50 28-40-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 157110 D,040x028x22,5/23,5 28-40-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 169110 D,043x028x22,50 28-43-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 169110 D,043x028x22,5 28-43-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-028 D,028x040x22,5 28-40-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH1-028 FPM-C D,028x040x22,50 28-40-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-028/1 D,028x043x22,5 28-43-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 157110 D,040x028x22,50 28-40-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 110169 D,028x043x22,5 28-43-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 165118 D,042x030x22,50 30-42-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 165118 D,042x030x22,5/23,5 30-42-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 177118 D,045x030x22,50 30-45-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 177118 D,045x030x22,5/23,7 30-45-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH2-030 FPM-C D,030x045x22,50 30-45-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-030 D,030x042x22,5 30-42-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-030/1 D,030x045x22,5 30-45-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 177118 D,045x030x22,50 30-45-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON K01 - 030/1 030x045x22,50 30-45-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-030/2 D,030x050x37 30-50-37 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 196118 D,050x030x39 30-50-39 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-031 D,031,75x044,45x25,4 31.75-44.45-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
MV/GT7 187125 D,047,62x031,75x29,05 31.75-47.62-29.05 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 173125 D,044x032x22,50 32-44-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 184125 D,047x032x22,50 32-47-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 184125 D,047x032x22,5/23,7 32-47-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-032/1 D,032x047x22,5 32-47-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-032 D,032x044x22,5 32-44-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-032/2 D,032x045x22,5 32-45-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 173125 D,044x032x22,5 32-44-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 184137 D,047x035x22,50 35-47-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 184137 D,047x035x22,5/23,7 35-47-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-035 D,035x047x22,5 35-47-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-035/1 D,035x050x22,5 35-50-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 184137 D,047x035x22,50 35-47-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 177137 D,045x035x28 35-45-28 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 216137 D,055x035x51,5 35-55-51.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 188141 D,048x036x22,50 36-48-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 188141 D,048x036x22,5/23,7 36-48-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 200141 D,051x036x22,50 36-51-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 200141 D,051x036x22,5/23,7 36-51-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 188141 D,048x036x22,50 36-48-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-036 D,036x048x22,5 36-48-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-036/1 D,036x051x22,5 36-51-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 200141 D,051x036x22,5 36-51-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-038 D,038,1x050,8x25,4 38.1-50.8-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-038/1 D,038,10x053,98x25,4 38.1-53.98-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 204157 D,052x040x22,5 40-52-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 204157 D,052x040x22,5/23,5 40-52-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 216157 D,055x040x22,50 40-55-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 216157 D,055x040x22,5/23,7 40-55-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-040 D,040x052x22,5 40-52-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-040/1 D,040x055x22,5 40-55-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-040/3 D,040x056x22,5 40-56-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 204157 D,052x040x22,50 40-52-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 216157 D,055x040x22,50 40-55-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 204157 D,052x040x22,5 40-52-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-040/2 D,040x055x25 40-55-25 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 220157 D,056x040x32 40-56-32 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 196157 D,050x040x33/34 40-50-33 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT8 216157 D,055x040x35,5 FIAT 40-55-35.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 255157 D,065x040x46/47,4 40-65-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 212165 D,054x042x22,5/23,5 42-54-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 224165 D,057x042x22,50 42-57-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 224165 D,057x042x22,5/23,7 42-57-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-042 D,042x054x22,5 42-54-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-042/1 D,042x057x22,5 42-57-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-044 D,044,45x057,15x25,4 44.45-57.15-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-044/1 D,044,45x063,5x38,1 44.45-63.5-38.1 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-044/2 D,044,45x069,85x50,8 44.45-69.85-50.8 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-045/2 D,045x055x22 45-55-22 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 216177 D,055x045x22,5 45-55-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 236177 D,060x045x22,50 45-60-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 236177 D,060x045x22,5/23,7 45-60-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 236177 D,060x045x22,50 45-60-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-045 D,060x045x22,50 45-60-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-045/1 D,045x065x22,5 45-65-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 216177 D,055x0045x22,6 45-55-22.6 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-045/3 D,045x062x26 45-62-26 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 255177 D,065x045x27,50 45-65-27.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH2-045 FPM-C D,045x065x27,50 45-65-27.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 255177 D,065x045x27,50 45-65-27.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
U-S126128 PTFE VERGINE D,045x068x80 45-68-80 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-047 D,047x065x33 47-65-33 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-048 D,048x063x22,5 48-63-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON ESV 24220002 D,050x060x16 50-60-16 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 255196 D,065x050x22,5 50-65-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 255196 D,065x050x22,5/23,7 50-65-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-050 D,050x065x22,5 50-65-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 255196 D,065x050x22,50 50-65-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 255196/1 D,065x050x29 50-65-29 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 275196 D,070x050x30 50-70-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
E2-050 24070221 D,050x070x30 50-70-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-050/1 D,050x070x30 50-70-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 255196 D,065x050x32,5 50-65-32.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-050 250200 D,050,80x063,50x25,4 50.8-63.5-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-050/1 D,050,8x065x25,4 50.8-65-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-050/2 D,050,8x066,67x25,4 50.8-66.67-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-050/3 D,050,8x069,85x25,4 50.8-69.85-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-053 275212 D,053,98x069,85x28,5 53.98-69.85-28.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 275216 D,070x055x22,50 55-70-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 275216 D,070x055x22,5/23,7 55-70-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-055 D,055x070x22,5 55-70-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
K01-055/2 D,055x067x24 55-67-24 Viton/gommatela 0.5
TO7 295216 D,075x055x30/31,2 55-75-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
M3 0055 00005 D,055x075x30 55-75-30 Viton/gommatela 0.5
GT7 295216 D,075x055x30 55-75-30 Viton/gommatela 0.5
K01-055/1 D,055x075x30 55-75-30 Viton/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 295216 D,075x055x30 55-75-30 Viton/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 295216 D,075x055x30 55-75-30 Viton/gommatela 0.5
TO7 295216/1 D,075x055x35,5 55-75-35.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 295216 D,075x055x49,30 FIAT 55-75-49.3 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 279220 D,071x056x22,5 56-71-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
TO7 279220 D,071x056x22,5/23,7 56-71-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 279220 D,071x056x22,50 56-71-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
K01-056 D,056x071x22,5 56-71-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
11CH1-056 FPM-C D,056x071x22,50 56-71-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
VITON ESV 24220004 D,056x071x25 56-71-25 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 299220 D,076x056x37 56-76-37 Viton/gommatela 0.5
GT7 299220/AI D,076x056x37,0 56-76-37 Viton/gommatela 0.5
K01-056/1 D,056x076x37 56-76-37 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 299220 D,076x056x39 56-76-39 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 299220 D,076x056x43 56-76-43 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-056/2 D,056x072x46 56-72-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-057/1 D,057,15x073,025x31 57.15-73.03-31 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-057 D,057,16x076,2x25,4 57.16-76.2-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 295236 D,075x060x22,50 60-75-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 295236 D,075x060x22,5/23,7 60-75-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-060 D,060x075x22,5 60-75-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 295236 D,075x060x22,5 60-75-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 295236 D,075x060x22,5 60-75-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
GT7 314236 D,080x060x37 60-80-37 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 314236 D,080x060x37/38,2 60-80-37 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
M3 0060 00005 D,060x080x37 60-80-37 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-060/3 D,060x085x37 60-85-37 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-060/1 D,060x080x37 60-80-37 Viton/gommatela 0.5
TG7 334236 D,085x060x47 60-85-47 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 307248 D,078x063x22,50 63-78-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
TO7 307248 D,078x063x22,5/23,7 63-78-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
11CH1-063 FPM-C D,063x078x22,50 63-78-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
K01-063 D,063x078x22,5 63-78-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 307248 D,078x063x22,5 63-78-22.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
GT7 326248 D,083x063x37 63-83-37 Viton/gommatela 0.5
TO7 326248/B D,083x063x37/38,2 63-83-37 Viton/gommatela 0.5
K01-063/1 D,063x083x37 63-83-37 Viton/gommatela 0.5
TG7 300250 D,076,2x063,5x25 63.5-76.2-25 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-063/2 312250 D,063,50x079,37x28,5 63.5-79.37-28.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
K04-063 D,063,5x076,2x28,5 63.5-76.2-28.5 Viton/gommatela 0.5
K04-063/3 D,063,5x082,55x28,5 63.5-82.55-28.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 325250/1 D,082,5x063,5x31,62 63.5-82.5-31.62 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 325250 D,082,6x063,5x34,5 63.5-82.5-34.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-063/2 D,063,5x078x40 63.5-78-40 Viton/gommatela 0.5
K04-063/1 D,063,5x078x41 63.5-78-41 Viton/gommatela 0.5
GT7 314255 D,080x065x22,50 65-80-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 314255 D,080x065x22,5/23,7 65-80-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 314255 D,080x065x22,5 65-80-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-065 D,065x080x22,5 65-80-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 303255 D,077x065x29 65-77-29 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 314255/1AI D,080x065x29 65-80-29 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 334255 D,085x065x40/41,2 65-85-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-065/1 D,065x085x40 65-85-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 334255 D,085x065x41 65-85-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 400275 D,101,6x69,9x65 69.9-101.6-65 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 334275 D,085x070x22,50 70-85-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 334275 D,085x070x22,5/23,7 70-85-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 334275 D,085x070x22,50 70-85-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH1-070 FPM-C D,070x085x22,50 70-85-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-070 D,070x085x22,5 70-85-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 334275 D,085x070x22,5 70-85-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 334275/1 D,085x070x25 70-85-25 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 314275 D,080x070x30 70-80-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 354275/AI D,090x070x40 70-90-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 354275 D,090x070x40/41,2 70-90-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH2-070 FPM-C D,070x090x40 70-90-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
E2 24070227 D,070x090x40 70-90-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-070/1 D,070x090x40 70-90-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 354275 D,090x070x40 70-90-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 354275 D,090x070x41 70-90-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 354295 D,090x075x22,5 75-90-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 354295 D,090x075x22,5/23,7 75-90-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-075 D,075x090x22,5 75-90-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-075/2 D,075x087x25 75-87-25 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-075/3 D,075x100x34 75-100-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 354295 D,090x075x36 75-90-36 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-075/1 D,075x095x40 75-95-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 374295 D,095x075x41 75-95-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 393295 D,100x075x50/51,4 75-100-50 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 413295 D,105x075x61 75-105-61 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-076 350300 D,076,20x088,90x25,4 76.2-88.9-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-076/1 D,076,2x095,25x31,75 76.2-95.25-31.75 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-076/2 D,076,2x101,6x38,1 76.2-101.6-38.1 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 374314 D,095x080x22,50 80-95-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 374314 D,095x080x22,5/23,7 80-95-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 374314 D,095x080x22,5 80-95-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT8 374314 D,095x080x25 80-95-25 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT9 374314 D,080x095x25 80-95-25 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT9 374314 D,080x095x26 O&K 80-95-26 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 393314 D,080x100x31 O&K 80-100-31 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 374314 D,095x080x34,5 80-95-34.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 393314 D,100x080x40/41,2 80-100-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH2-080 FPM-C D,080x100x40 80-100-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
M3 0080 00005 D,080x100x40 80-100-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 393314 D,100x080x40 80-100-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 393314 D,100x080x41 80-100-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 393314/AI D,100x080x41 80-100-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT8 393314 D,080x100x46 80-100-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-082 D,082,55x101,6x31,75 82.55-101.6-31.75 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 393334 D,100x085x22,50 85-100-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 393334 D,100x085x22,5/23,7 85-100-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 393334 D,100x085x22,5 85-100-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 393334 D,100x085x22,5 85-100-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 413334/AI D,105x085x40 85-105-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 413334 D,105x085x40/41,2 85-105-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 413334 D,105x085x41 85-105-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 413334 D,105x085x41 85-105-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 433334 D,110x085x45/46,2 85-110-45 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-088 D,088,9x104,8x28,5 88.9-104.8-28.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-088/1 D,088,9x107,95x30,16 88.9-107.95-30.16 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-088/2 D,088,9x114,3x38,1 88.9-114.3-38.1 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 413354 D,105x090x22,50 90-105-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 413354 D,105x090x22,5/23,7 90-105-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 413354 D,105x090x22,5 90-105-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-090/3 D,090x110x22,5 90-110-22.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT9 413354 D,090x105x23 O&K 90-105-23 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-090/2 D,090x110x26 90-110-26 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 413354 D,105x090x26,5 90-105-26.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 413354/2 D,105x090x27 90-105-27 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 433354 D,110x090x30 O&K 90-110-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 413354/3 D,105x090x31,75 90-105-31.75 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 413354/4 D,105x090x33,53 90-105-33.53 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 413354/4 D,105x090x33,53 90-105-33.53 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 433354 D,110x090x38,5 90-110-38.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 433354/AI D,110x090x40 90-110-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 433354 D,110x090x40/41,2 90-110-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH2-090 FPM-C D,090x110x40 90-110-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-090/1 D,090x110x40 90-110-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7/1 433354 D,110x090x40 90-110-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 433354 D,110x090x41 90-110-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 433354 D,110x090x41 90-110-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 433354 D,110x090x52 90-110-52 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG11 452354 D,115x090x79 90-115-79 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 433374 D,110x095x36,5 95-110-36.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 433374 D,110x095x36,5 95-110-36.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 452374 D,115x095x40 95-115-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 472374 D,120x095x48,5/49,9 95-120-48.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-095 D,095x120x50 95-120-50 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON 11CH3-125 FPM-C D,125x100x25,80 100-125-25.8 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 452393 D,115x100x30 100-115-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 452393 D,115x100x30/31,2 100-115-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 452393 D,115x100x30 100-115-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-100 D,100x115x30 100-115-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 472393 D,120x100x40/41,2 100-120-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-100/1 D,100x120x40 100-120-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 472393 D,120x100x41 100-120-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 472393 D,120x100x41 100-120-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT8 511393 D,130x100x68 100-130-68 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT8 511393 D,130x100x68 100-130-68 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7* 450400 D,114,3x101,6x25,4 VP 101.6-114.3-25.4 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-101 D,101,6x127x38,1 101.6-127-38.1 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 472413 D,120x105x30 105-120-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-105 D,105x120x30 105-120-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-105/1 D,105x125x40 105-125-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-105/2 D,105x130x40 105-130-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-107 500425 D,107,95x127x31,7 107.95-127-31.7 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 492433 D,125x110x30 110-125-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 492433 D,125x110x30/31,2 110-125-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 492433 D,125x110x30 110-125-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-110 D,110x125x30 110-125-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 492433 D,125x110x30/31,2 110-125-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7/1 511433 D,130x110x40/41,2 110-130-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
ES 24070233 D,110x130x40 110-130-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-110/1 D,110x130x40 110-130-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 511433 D,130x110x41 110-130-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 511433 D,130x110x41 110-130-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 511433 D,130x110x45 110-130-45 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 551433 D,140x110x52 110-140-52 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-114 D,114,3x133,36x31,75 114.3-133.36-31.75 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-114/1 D,114,3x139,7x38,1 114.3-139.7-38.1 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 511452 D,130x115x25,48 115-130-25.48 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 511452 D,130x115x30 115-130-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 511452 D,130x115x30/31,2 115-130-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-115 D,115x130x30 115-130-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-115/2 D,115x135x30 115-135-30 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 531452 D,135x115x38 115-135-38 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 551452 D,140x115x46 115-140-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-115/1 D,115x140x46 115-140-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7/1 551452 D,140x115x46/47,4 115-140-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 570472 D,145x120x45,5 120-145-45.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-120/1 570472 D,120x145x46 120-145-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-120 D,120x140x49 120-140-49 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 590472 D,150x120x52,5 120-150-52.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 551492 D,140x125x34 125-140-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 551492 D,140x125x34 125-140-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 551492 D,140x125x34/35,2 125-140-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 551492 D,140x125x34 125-140-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 551492 D,140x125x38 125-140-38 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 590492 D,150x125x46 125-150-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 590492/B D,150x125x46/47,4 125-150-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH2-125 FPM-C D,125x150x46 125-150-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 590492 D,150x125x46 125-150-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 610492 D,155x125x54 125-155-54 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 600500 D,152x127x49 TG7 127-152-49 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-127 D,127x158,75x60 127-158.75-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 570511 D,145x130x33,5/34,5 130-145-33.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 590511 D,150x130x39,5 130-150-39.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO8 590511 D,150x130x45 130-150-45 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 610511 D,155x130x46 130-155-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-107/1 D,187,32x130,18x38,1 130.18-187.32-38.1 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-135/1 D,135x160x40 135-160-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG11 669535 D,170x136x100 136-170-100 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 625537 D,158,75x136,53x38,10 NBR/PU 136.53-158.75-38.1 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-140/2 D,140x160x32 140-160-32 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 610551 D,155x140x34 140-155-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 610551 D,155x140x34/35,2 140-155-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 610551 D,155x140x34 140-155-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-140 D,140x155x34 140-155-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 610551 D,155x140x34/35,2 140-155-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 629551 D,160x140x38/39 140-160-38 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 610551/1 D,155x140x42 GT9 140-155-42 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 649551 D,165x140x46 140-165-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7/1 649551 D,165x140x46/47,4 140-165-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 649551 D,165x140x46 140-165-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH2-165 FPM-C D,165x140x46 140-165-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-140/1 D,140x165x46 140-165-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 649551 D,165x140x46 140-165-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-140/3 D,140x170x60 140-170-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-150 D,150x170x40 150-170-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 669590 D,170x150x41 150-170-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 669590 D,170x150x40 150-170-41.2 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 708590/1 D,180x150x54 150-180-54 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 708590 /SPLIT D,180x150x55 150-180-55 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 708590 D,180x150x60/61,4 150-180-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 708590 D,180x150x60 150-180-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-150/1 D,150x180x60 150-180-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG11 708590 D,180x150x80 150-180-80 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 688610 D,175x155x45 155-175-45 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-160/2 D,160x175x34 160-175-34 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 708629 D,180x160x40 160-180-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 708629 D,180x160x40/41,2 160-180-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 708629 D,180x160x40 160-180-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-160 D,160x180x40 160-180-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON ESV 24139064 D,180x160x40 160-180-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 748629/B D,190x160x60/61,4 160-190-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 748629 D,190x160x60 160-190-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-160/1 D,160x190x60 160-190-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 748629 D,190x160x60 160-190-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TG7 748629 D,190x160x60 160-190-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-165 D,165x195x50,5 165-195-50.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-170 D,170x190x40 170-190-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 748669 D,190x170x45 170-190-45 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 787669 D,200x170x60/61,4 170-200-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 787669 D,200x170x60 170-200-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 787669 D,200x170x60 170-200-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 807688 D,205x175x54/55 175-205-54 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 807688 D,205x175x61 175-205-61 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 787708/1 D,200x180x40/41,2 180-200-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-180 D,180x200x40 180-200-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TO7 787708/1 D,200x180x40 180-200-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 787708/1 D,200x180x41 180-200-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 787708/1 D,200x180x41 180-200-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 826708 D,210x180x60 180-210-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 826708 D,210x180x60/61,4 180-210-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
11CH2-180 FPM-C D,180x210x60 180-210-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-180/1 D,180x210x60 180-210-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON ESV 24139298 D,210x180x60 180-210-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 826708 D,210x180x60 180-210-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-190 D,190x220x42 190-220-42 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 846748 D,215x190x51 190-215-51 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 866748 D,220x190x60 190-220-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG9 944779 D,240x198,0x100 198-240-100 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 866787 D,220x200x40/41,2 200-220-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-200 D,200x220x40 200-220-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 866787 D,220x200x41 200-220-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 866787 D,220x200x41 200-220-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 905787 D,230x200x60/61,4 200-230-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 905787 D,230x200x60 200-230-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-200/1 D,200x230x60 200-230-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 905787 D,230x200x60 200-230-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG10 905787 D,230x200x88 200-230-88 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG9 905807 D,230x205,0x68 205-230-68 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG13 952818 D,242x208x118,5 208-242-118.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K04-209 D,209,55x228,6x38,1 209.55-228.6-38.1 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 905826 D,230x210x43 210-230-43 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-210 D,210x240x50 210-240-50 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 944826/1 D,240x210x60 210-240-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 944826 D,240x210x63 210-240-63 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 944826 D,240x210x64,5 210-240-64.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG11 944826 D,240x210x93 210-240-93 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-215 D,215x245x41 215-245-41 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-220 D,220x240x40 220-240-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 944866 D,240x220x40/41,2 220-240-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON GT7 944866 D,240x220x40 220-240-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG11 944866 D,240x220x60 220-240-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 984866 D,250x220x60 220-250-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 984866 D,250x220x62,5/64 220-250-62.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 984866 D,250x220x64/66 GT7 7070/2 220-250-64 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
VITON TG8 984866 D,250x220x66 220-250-66 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG9 1062880 D,270x223,7x97 223.7-270-97 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG10 964885 D,245x225x58/59 225-245-58 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-230 D,230x260x58 230-260-58 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 1024905 D,260x230x58,5 230-260-58.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT8 1024905 D,260x230x66 230-260-66 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 1062905 D,270x230x71,5 230-270-71.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 1062955 D,270x230x72 230-270-72 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG9 1062905 D,270x230x87 230-270-87 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 1003925 D,255x235x51,5 235-255-51.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-240/1 D,240x260x46 240-260-46 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-240 D,240x270x60 240-270-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG10 1043945 D,265x240x63 240-265-63 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 1062944 D,270x240x64 240-270-64 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG13 1062944 D,270x240x96 240-270-96 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-250 D,250x270x42 250-270-42 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 1102984/1 D,280x250x59,5 250-280-59.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 1102984 D,280x250x60 250-280-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 1102984 D,280x250x65 250-280-65 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 1141984 D,290x250x82+/-1mm 250-250-82 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 1141984 D,290x250x83 250-290-83 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 1141984 D,290x250x83 250-290-83 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG9 1141984 D,290x250x102 250-290-102 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 11021023 D,280x260x40/41,2 260-280-40 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-260 D,260x290x60 260-290-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 11411023 D,290x260x60 260-290-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG9 11811024 D,300x260x81,5 260-300-81.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TO7 11221043 D,285x265x45 265-285-45 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT8 11411043 D,290x265x55 265-290-55 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 11811062 D,300x270x60 270-300-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG11 11811062 D,300x270x97 270-300-97 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG10 12001075 D,304,8x273x82,50 273-304.8-82.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 12201102 D,310x280x59,5 280-310-59.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
GT7 12201102/1 D,310x280x60 280-310-60 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 12591102 D,320x280x66,5 280-320-66.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG8 12591102 D,320x280x81 280-320-81 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
K01-290 D,290x320x35 290-320-35 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 12591141 D,290x320x55,5 290-320-55.5 Nbr/gommatela 0.5
TG7 12591181 D,320x300x42 300-320-42 Nbr/gommatela 0.5